Trending Career Options to Choose from in 2020
Are you looking to make a career change or further develop your existing one in 2020? The way many of us work has undergone significant changes that have required adaptability. So, in times of change, it’s natural for people to look further into their career future. The strange circumstances we find ourselves in 2020 also present a great option to study, whether it’s professional development courses or even whole new qualifications.
If you’re looking at making a career change in the near future, here are some of the trending careers and jobs to consider.
Health Care and Social Assistance
In 2019, the Australian Government released a list of four main areas of employment growth expected to 2024. The highest was the Health Care and Social Assistance sector, expected to grow by over 250,000 jobs. When these figures were released, we knew nothing of Covid-19 and the increasing reliance many Australians would have on this particular industry. This means the previously projected numbers may be even higher if analysed now.
Aged and disability care: Aged care and disability services, particularly residential care, is a booming industry. With an ageing population, this career needs plenty of people and offers a great career path.
Social assistance services: During and post-Covid-19, expect that all types of social assistance services will be busier than ever.
Child care: Child care is always a hot topic when it comes to Government budgeting, but overall, Australians always need more childcare services.
If you’re looking for a career in any of these sectors, now is a great time to start. If you’re already in the industry but want to advance your career further, why not consider some professional leadership courses to boost your skills.
Software Development
The technology industry shows no signs of slowing down, and jobs in software development tend to be highly ranked on any list of high-demand jobs. Again, with the Covid-19 pandemic forcing many businesses to reconsider how they do things, tech is always going to play a role.
From building new software systems, helping companies adapt to remote work and of course moving operations online, software developers are always in demand. So, if you’ve got an interest in hands-on IT, now is the time to start honing your skills!
IT Business and Systems Analyst
The other side of the IT industry is perhaps less technical, but more knowledge and process-based. The business landscape is changing, and companies need solutions tailored to their needs. This is where IT business and systems analysts come in. They work to understand an organisation’s IT needs, and to recommend and implement the right solutions to improve operations.
For this type of role, you’ll need a good knowledge of IT, but also an element of project management and analysis capability. Any number of professional development training courses such as Project Management and Influencing courses will be valuable in this career.
Construction Project Manager
The Australian Government has been announcing several stimulus schemes to kickstart the construction industry, meaning it will be booming in the coming years. While this is great news for labourers, builders, tradespeople and even those looking to get into the industry, it also opens up a lot of internal career switches.
If you’re already in the industry but looking to get off the tools, managing construction projects could be perfect. There are several professional development courses out there to help with all aspects of leadership, influencing and negotiating and project management. Construction offers great pathways to move more into management roles and away from hands-on work.
A Career in Marketing
Marketing is a very broad profession with several specific career paths. Traditional marketing, digital marketing, and several specialities within. One of the fastest-growing areas of marketing is automation. You may need some IT skills to really excel in this career, but there are also sales and consulting roles within marketing companies.
The great thing about marketing is the number of niche specialities within the industry, so if you have a particular focus, you can really establish yourself as an expert, for example in marketing automation. If you have leadership goals, marketing managers are always required to oversee operations and run projects. It’s an exciting, ever-evolving industry that gives you plenty of room to move and grow.
Administration Assistant
You might think with the growing shift to remote working, that administrative assistants aren’t needed as much. This is completely untrue. While the role may be changing, it’s now more important than ever. Administration assistants are often the glue that holds an office together, and that doesn’t change just because people are working from home. In fact, it’s needed even more.
As well as several qualifications you can obtain in business admin, you can also increase your value to employers by studying short courses in virtual readiness. These courses give you the skills to adapt and work in a remote environment effectively. Certificates in business administration are a terrific stepping stone into the corporate world, and the beauty is you can work in almost any industry.
Artificial Intelligence
LinkedIn recently released their top 15 emerging jobs report, and right at the top of the list was Artificial Intelligence Specialist. If you’re already in the IT industry, or even if you’re not, AI is a rapidly growing industry. AI is finding its way into our everyday lives in so many ways that we don’t even notice.
For example, the recommendations Netflix gives you for TV shows – that’s done with AI and machine learning. Your Google Home or Amazon Echo smart assistants – AI. Chatbots on the websites you visit – also AI. If you can start developing skills in artificial intelligence technology, you’ve got an opportunity to set yourself up for a very busy future!
Customer Specialists
If you thought that customer service was on the way out because eCommerce is taking over traditional retail, think again. Whenever a product or service is offered, customer service is required. Sure, simple eCommerce transactions may not need a lot of human involvement. But even those companies have customer support staff.
The only thing that’s changed about customer service is the methods used to interact with customers. For example, a customer specialist may never see a customer face-to-face. They could be typing replies to customers on social media, helping to solve problems, answer questions and settle disputes.
Businesses need to connect with customers more than ever before, and they need customer-focused people with great communication skills just as much as they did when retail ruled the world.
Professional Training Courses to Help Reach Your Goals
If you’re looking to move into one of these trending careers, it’s possible you’ll need further training. While some training is very industry-specific, others are more general in nature. Professional leadership development, for example, gives you a range of skills that are transferrable across multiple industries. Learning how to communicate with influence, resolve conflict, lead teams through change and present engaging information are a few examples.
From project management to business writing skills, there are plenty of professional development courses to help you get ahead of the pack in today’s competitive job market. These are the added skills that allow for sideways movement within organisations, as well as upward movement. They can also help you stand out from the pack if you trying to break into a completely new industry.
So, no matter whether you want to re-train, climb the ladder in your current industry, or explore a completely new career path, professional development is a must. The skills you’ll learn will help you get ahead and give you the confidence to handle any situation your career throws at you.