Embrace change with confidence

Turn daunting challenges into a catalyst for growth. Shape a future where your organisation thrives amidst business transformation.

organisational change management services

Turn organisational change into your competitive edge

In an ever-evolving business landscape, transformational change is not just inevitable – it’s necessary for growth.

But change can be difficult to navigate.

You may be dealing with resistance, lack of engagement, communication gaps, or inadequate resources – or all of the above!

Navigating organisational restructuring, implementing new systems, and fostering cultural transformations can seem daunting – but that’s where we come in.

Our organisational change management consultants specialise in turning these complex challenges into a structured, manageable journey.

With us, you’re not just getting effective change management services; you’re partnering with a team invested in your success.

Your partner in successful change

Customised change management strategies

Customised strategies

Our change management strategies and plans are uniquely tailored to your specific needs and challenges.

Comprehensive change management solutions

Comprehensive change management

We’ll help you manage a broad spectrum of changes, including organisational restructuring, process improvements, communications plans, and cultural transformations.

Readiness assessments for change

Readiness assessments

Through various tools and techniques such as surveys, focus groups, interviews, and assessments, we effectively gauge your team’s readiness for change, now and in their future state.

Resistance to change  management

Resistance management

We proactively address resistance to change, promoting stakeholder buy-in by fostering a culture of openness, transparency, and active support.

Success measurement of change management

Success measurement

Our consulting services use both quantitative and qualitative measures to assess the success of change management initiatives. This means we’re able to track employee communications and engagement, productivity, and financial performance, along with stakeholder feedback.

Complex changes, simplified solutions

From resisting change to championing it, we’re with you every step of the way. Let’s shape your organisation’s future, together.

simplified change management solutions

Our Clients


Need a scalable, cost-effective, virtual solution to team training?

Access over 60 different training modules from just $13 per seat! Try it free for one month for you and one employee.

Need some additional Learning & Development support?

We have a wide range of services to support your team in their learning and professional development.

What people say about MCI

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Frequently asked questions

What types of changes can you help our organisation manage?

We can help you manage a broad spectrum of changes, whether that’s organisational restructuring, process enhancements, new technologies, or system implementations.

How do you assess our organisation’s readiness for change?

We leverage a variety of tools and techniques like surveys, focus groups, interviews, and assessments to assess your readiness for change.

By working closely with your people, we identify key stakeholders and engage them in the process from the very beginning. We also examine your organisation’s culture, structure, and communication channels to identify potential barriers to sustainable change. We want to ensure any change is a smooth transition for your team.

How do you develop a change management strategy and plan tailored to our organisation?

We take a collaborative approach to develop a change management strategy, which involves understanding your specific needs and challenges. We use tools and techniques such as:

  • Stakeholder analysis
  • Risk assessment
  • Communication planning
  • And more

These techniques help us formulate a comprehensive strategy that outlines the steps to successfully manage change. Our plans include clear objectives, timelines, milestones, and detailed communication plans to keep stakeholders informed throughout the process.

How do you communicate change to different stakeholders within our organisation?

We use a variety of channels to communicate change to your stakeholders, including face-to-face meetings, email updates, intranet posts, and training sessions. Our communication strategy aims to keep stakeholders informed throughout the change process and provide a clear understanding of the reasons and benefits of the change. We work alongside you to develop customised communication plans that cater to the specific needs of your stakeholders.

How do you address resistance to change within an organisation?

We identify and address the root causes of resistance. We do this by engaging with stakeholders throughout the process and providing support and resources to help them adapt to change. We foster a culture of openness and transparency, where stakeholders feel their concerns are heard and valued.

How do you ensure stakeholder buy-in during a change management process?

Stakeholder buy-in is fostered through ongoing engagement, clear and transparent communication, and involvement in the change process from the outset. We also provide resources and support to help stakeholders understand and adapt to the change, addressing their concerns promptly and effectively.

How do you measure the success of a change initiatives?

We use a combination of quantitative and qualitative measures to evaluate success. These include tracking metrics such as employee engagement, productivity, and financial performance, as well as gathering feedback from stakeholders through surveys, interviews, and focus groups. We also assess if the changes have been fully integrated within the organisation and the desired outcomes of the initiative have been achieved.

What support do you provide to employees to adapt to new processes and systems?

We provide tailored training and resources to help employees adapt to new processes and systems. We ensure they understand the reasons behind the change, the benefits it brings, and how it affects their roles. We also offer ongoing support to address any questions or challenges they may encounter.

How do you manage the project timeline and ensure that milestones are met during a change process?

We meticulously manage the project timeline, setting clear objectives, timelines, and milestones from the outset. We monitor progress regularly and adjust our approach as needed to ensure that we remain on track to meet the established milestones.

How do you ensure transparency and openness during the change management process?

We establish clear lines of communication from the very beginning and maintain a constant dialogue with stakeholders throughout the process. We provide regular updates, seek input, and address any concerns promptly to foster a culture of transparency and openness.

How do you incorporate feedback from stakeholders into the change management process?

We actively seek and value stakeholder feedback. We use surveys, interviews, and focus groups to gather their thoughts and make necessary adjustments to our strategies and plans. This ensures that our approach remains relevant and effective in achieving the desired change outcomes.

Do you provide ongoing support post the completion of the change management process?

Absolutely. Our commitment to your organisation extends beyond the completion of the change management process. Our change management team will provide ongoing support to ensure the changes are fully embedded, effective, and that the organisation continues to thrive in its new state.

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